In March this year, virtual reality will become the official link to the upcoming documentary drama "Notre Dame on Fire" in IMAX format from French film director, screenwriter and producer Jean-Jacques Annaud, which tells about the events in Paris on April 15, 2019. A VR game from Ubisoft will put the audience in the place of a Parisian firefighter, who, together with other members of his brigade, will help escape the fire unharmed.
"The quest game is a puzzle game and a collaboration with teammates," Deborah Papirnik, senior vice president of Ubisoft, said in a conversation with Variety. "The idea is to go through the cathedral to find the necessary relics and put out the fire, because you need to save Notre Dame before time runs out."
To prepare an interactive binding to virtual reality for the premiere of the film in March, the creators of the project turned to Ubisoft, which in 2019 released a free game called Notre-Dame de Paris: Journey Back in Time. According to Variety, Ubisoft's existing 3D model of the cathedral, as well as a wide network of geolocation partners, made the company's choice obvious.
"Jean-Jacques Annaud knew that we had a special affection for Notre Dame," Deborah Papirnik said. "That's probably why he came to us. I don't think he went to see anyone else."